Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Buad Text free essay sample

Discuss the fundamental concepts of marketing 97) Define customer equity and explain why it is important to a company. Answer: Customer equity is the sum of the lifetime values of all of the companys current and potential customers. Customer equity is dependent upon customer loyalty from a firms profitable customers. Because customer equity is a reflection of a companys future, companies must manage it carefully, viewing customers as assets that need to be maximized. Page Ref: 22 Difficulty: Easy Chapter LO: 4 Course LO: Discuss the fundamental concepts of marketing 8) Describe and compare the four types of customers classified by their potential profitability to an organization. Identify how an organization should manage each type of customer. Answer: The four types of customers are strangers, butterflies, true friends, and barnacles. 1. Strangers have low potential profitability and loyalty. A companys offerings do not fit well with a strangers wants and demands. We will write a custom essay sample on Buad Text or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Companies should not invest in building a relationship with this type of customer. 2. Another type of customer in which a company should not invest is the barnacle. Barnacles are highly loyal but not very profitable because there is a limited fit between their needs and the companys offerings. The company might be able to improve barnacles profitability by selling them more, raising their fees, or reducing service to them. However, if they cannot be made profitable, they should be fired. 3. Like strangers, butterflies are not loyal. However, they are potentially profitable because there is a good fit between the companys offerings and their needs. Like real butterflies, this type of customer will come and go without becoming a permanent, loyal consumer of a companys products. Companies should use promotional blitzes to attract these customers, create satisfying and profitable transactions with them, and then cease investing in them until the next time around. 4. The final type of customers is true friends; they are both profitable and loyal. There is a strong fit between their needs and the companys offerings, so the company should make continuous relationship investments in an effort to go beyond satisfying and to delight these customers. A company should try to delight true friends so they will tell others about their good experiences with the company. Page Ref: 22-23 Difficulty: Challenging Chapter LO: 4 AACSB: Analytic skills Course LO: Discuss the fundamental concepts of marketing 99) Explain how the Internet has transformed the way in which we do business today. Answer: The Internet links individuals and businesses of all types to each other. The Internet allows firms access to exciting new marketspaces. The Internet has spawned an entirely new breed of click only companies–the dot-coms. The post-Internet frenzy of the late 1990s has introduced companies that are both savvy and face promising futures.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Recycling essays

Recycling essays A Literary Masterpiece Composed by A Person Without A Twisted Mind or A False Sense of Reality A morbid and melancholic reality consumes Edgar Allen Poes mind. Through a life of loosing loved ones, his contorted thoughts are expressed through his writings. In his short story, The Fall of the House of Usher, he illustrates how evil can consume ones thoughts and alter their perception of reality. His ploy is effective in text and as a cinematic drama. Both versions have the same characters, and an identical setting. While the video and the short story have several similarities, the overwhelming differences between the main characters initial meeting, Ushers death, and the houses demise make both these interpretations terrifying. In the short story, Madeline is rarely mentioned throughout the beginning of narrators visit. Usher invited his childhood friend because of an illness he was experiencing. In the short story, the narrator, portrayed as Phillip in the film, is received with a very warm welcome. Also there is a mutual friendship between the two. No bitterness or dislike is made apparent. However, in the video this is displayed somewhat differently. Phillip is only coming to the house to claim his future wife. There is no amiable relationship between Usher and Phillip. Usher does not welcome Phillip at all and tries to make him leave immediately. Another obvious difference between the two versions is Ushers death. In the short story Madeline suddenly bursts into Ushers chamber and kills him. The film uses a much more dramatic and drawn out scenario. Phillip rushes down to free his struggling bride. When he frees her she latches on to him and starts to strangle him. She then realizes she is killing the wrong person and lunges towards Roderick. While she is atop Roderick, the fire begins to ...